Recent content by Robertc

  1. Robertc

    Don't mis the best US tour of 2004

    i saw them on october 30th, macabre is pretty sweet, but cannibal was the best
  2. Robertc

    good movie!

    gia? can i pick this up anywhere???!! :grin: i have really been wanting to see team america but dont have the cash :erk:
  3. Robertc

    Fave Nevermore song

    my favorite would have to be enemies of reality, just because it was thier first song that i heard that and i like dreaming neon black
  4. Robertc

    my question to all

    thank you so much thor
  5. Robertc

    my question to all

    what program do you use to make the gifs? i downloaded virtualdub but it only makes avi (i think)
  6. Robertc

    Favorite track off of Fate of Norns?

    i've heard the whole cd but have only become acquainted with the first 5 (thats how long it takes to get to school in the morning :tickled: ) my favorite so far is fate of norns that song pwns :rock:
  7. Robertc

    Cradle update

    i havent got it yet but i have heard gilded c*** and nymphanphetamine, i liekd them. im goin to see cradle nov 20 :rock:
  8. Robertc

    new to UM

    hey guys hows it going, im new here, but not to forums, just wanted to say hey :wave:
  9. Robertc

    New Slayer DVD

    bostaph is good but lombardo is better, i like the stuff he did in testament