Recent content by robitalico

  1. robitalico

    The MIKE ALEXANDER Memorial Shows

    It's really great what you are doing guys, you should be proud of yourselves :)
  2. robitalico

    RIP Mike Alexander

    I'm deeply shocked by this news. I could have never imagined that he would die so young, the only thing I can say right now is R.I.P Mike, and to the other guys in Evile, you have to be strong, my condolences to you and to his family
  3. robitalico


    Hey Ol do you know if the album is coming out in Argentina? I NEED to get it
  4. robitalico

    New Track "Infected Nation" Now Online!

    listening as i write this, very good tune, I can imagine crowds chanting to this ! :rock:
  5. robitalico

    Big 4 Poll

    Megadeth for a kilometre
  6. robitalico

    In my pants

    Use my third arm in my pants
  7. robitalico

    Dream Theater anyone?

    "A nightmare to remember" is better, Dt is a great band :notworthy
  8. robitalico

    To Rid the Disease..Dark and Evil??

    Well, I think he refers to the lyrics and to some parts... I mean the bassline for that song is so fuckin heavy I just love to play it!
  9. robitalico


    can anyone pay me a plane ticket and fly me there? I promise I'll buy the ticket :lol:
  10. robitalico

    Standout bass lines in Opeth

    . To Rid The Disease is so fuckin awesomeeeee, the jazz part in The Lotus Eater and The Grand Conjuration :notworthy
  11. robitalico


  12. robitalico

    In my pants

    Chemical Warfare in my pants
  13. robitalico

    WARPATH Pull out of April Tour

    evile + megadeth = :kickass:
  14. robitalico

    WARPATH Pull out of April Tour

    metallica or nothing
  15. robitalico

    Your best gig moments

    Motorhead, watching a disabled person being thrown at lemmy with wheelchair and showing him the devil horns! :rock: Megadeth, chris broderick playing the argentine anthem, dave's speech and the end of holy wars.