Recent content by rockafromhell

  1. rockafromhell

    More Deathcore......

    hey im new to mixing and trying to get all the tips i can. i was wondering what eq and equipment you used for the guitars. im currently trying to achieve this overall sound with my band with less breakdowns and more melodic guitars plus we have keyboards.
  2. rockafromhell

    Hey Chris

    i was wondering what got you playing 7 string guitars idk if you have answered this question before and im sorry if you already have....i was just wondering ive never actually gotten to play a 7 string but i want to try one soon and i was wondering also what kinda effect you use to get the...
  3. rockafromhell

    Bored off my ass

    hey im new here just wanted to say whats up and am amazed by your classical guitar playing i saw one of the videos on youtube of you play 'Rondo Alla Turca' wow was that amazing my mom saw some of your videos she said it sounded perfect like an actual orchestra band and nevermore has to be...