Recent content by RocketKuin

  1. RocketKuin

    Age Limit To See COB

    in spain I think it depends on where they play. this year the age was +16, although they served beer. but it was just because the concert started at 7pm, so it was clearly going to end before midnight. if the concert had been later, ie 10pm, the age would have been +18. the crew of the disco...
  2. RocketKuin

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    a couple of years ago I bought a book with to tapes from Hodder & Stoughton, by Terttu Leney. It's that "finnish for begginers" amongs the collection called "teach yourself". I tried it once but I feld like an idiot trying to speak Finnish... although it's not so bad if you speak italian...
  3. RocketKuin


    i need to see them again to change my opinion. Rayden ad has been to the same concert as me and he liked it! in fact, doesn't matter what was the concert like, i may consider to tour europe from concert to concert after my exams XDD /me keeps on dreaming... edit: today i came back to...
  4. RocketKuin

    +Metalkuins Legion+ Zine, concerts, parties and festivals

    hey! check this webzine out! This webzine deals especially with bands which have at least one woman in their line-up, although not exclusively! there is a forum as well, reviews, a schedule with the upcoming events; we organize full-metal parties and the admin and...
  5. RocketKuin


    i am so sad, leaving aside some cool things, songs, and stuff like that.. i must say i'm completely disappointed :cry: i've been a proud supporter for so many years... i even like the last record! (i should clarify on this, but that's not the point)... there is only one word to describe it...
  6. RocketKuin


    i see no point in getting sick at other's musical good or bad taste! i agree with you, my arms your hearse is brilliant! i wonder what other bands are if some think opeth are overrated...
  7. RocketKuin

    Metal Chicks

    this thing about angela gossow reminds me of a day I wasn't in the city and a friend called me to say she had eventually got a date with angela for an interview, as the band was touring in spain. please don't kill me but i had absolutely nothing against arch enemy, in fact i liked some songs...
  8. RocketKuin


    the first time i listened to solefald i thought they were kind of kidding, i thought it was a joke. i couldn't believe that someone expected selling one single record by singing that way.. after listening to the record three or four times (a thing i hardly do as i appreciate enjoying my spare...
  9. RocketKuin

    chill out music

    I was wondering if Chill Out was a trend all over the world..? A couple of yers ago we had a sort of chill-out invasion is Spain and it seemed that everyone everywhere should like that music. it's only slow electronic music, and within that frame you can find covers of beethoven or the...
  10. RocketKuin

    What band should you be in?(Quizilla)

    U_U although i'd play a shoebox woth rubberbands very glamarously... BLS surprising
  11. RocketKuin


    hi! i introduce myself... ok. it's done XDDD joke. hi! i arrived here by chance from the CoB site. I live in Barcelona and I'm used to post in spanish forums, so i'll have to observe how things work here. i beg for mercy at least at the beginning, I'll try to avoid being a nasty noob...