Recent content by Roxy Bungalow

  1. Roxy Bungalow

    what are you reading?

    Have you ever read 1984 or We? Those are both excellent and I would recommend them if you like Brave New World. Huxley was a proponent of downward self transcendence and the use of hallucinatory drugs to gain enlightenment.
  2. Roxy Bungalow

    Favorite Band with a female singer

    I'm a fan of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
  3. Roxy Bungalow

    Hollywood: 1945-1955

    Because so many men came back from the war and wanted to start families, there was a huge boom in marketing towards children, more toys and specfically "cute" things. The role of the teenager was rapidly rising as a target market too. People finally had more money and wanted to spend it. It...
  4. Roxy Bungalow

    Speaking of Orangutans

    Did you know that they have been known to be rapists? Female 'tans aren't sexually receptive to males without developed cheek pads, and since the presence of a dominant cheek-padded male within the sensory range of a younger adult male inhibits the younger tan’s development, the sub-adult...
  5. Roxy Bungalow

    what are you reading?

    I just read Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk in one weekend. I don't know why I put it off for so long, it was excellent. I guess it just seemed too predictable to read the book they made a movie out of, so I read almost all his other books first. Now I'm reading A Death in Brazil by Peter...
  6. Roxy Bungalow

    How did you find the Ultimate Metal Forum? *

    I searched for music forums on
  7. Roxy Bungalow

    How's It?

    So what's some of your favorite Pantera stuff?
  8. Roxy Bungalow


    I searched for this place, I knew it had to be out there in cyberspace somewhere. Does anyone really say "cyberspace"? Hi. I'm glad I found you. Maybe you found me, or we found each other. I promise I won't talk like this the whole time. :)