Recent content by Ruby Eyes

  1. Ruby Eyes

    5.1 mix of reveries

    Well I think that's kinda dumb. In that case room ambiance doesn't mean anything either. Who cares if something is perceived as coming from behind you anyways? I mean we only hear what's in front of us right?....:rolleyes:
  2. Ruby Eyes

    5.1 mix of reveries

    The effect of any surround is totally lost if you don't have your speakers angled properly and you don't sit in the hot spot. I see so many people bitch and complain that it's no better than stereo, meanwhile their speakers are set up totally wrong and they're not even sitting in the proper...
  3. Ruby Eyes

    A couple of Newfs heading to Toronto

    So is this Brian, Coy, John, Casey or Chris? If anyone else here hasn't heard Clad In Darkness, check them out. They are fucking great!
  4. Ruby Eyes

    A couple of Newfs heading to Toronto

    Well, I went to the Toronto show, and it was fucking deadly!
  5. Ruby Eyes

    A couple of Newfs heading to Toronto

    Greetings fellow Newfies and Opeth/Tool fans! I'll be at the Tool show this Saturday for sure. Cannot fucking wait. Enjoy the show!
  6. Ruby Eyes

    Favourite Opeth Quote

    London, Ontario show: Fan in the crowd: "I love you Peter Lindgren you are fucking amazing!" Mike: "Yes he is though isn't he? I found him on a basketball team. Turns out he played guitar too!"
  7. Ruby Eyes

    Keyboarists/ Pianoists

    I say go with whatever is complimentar to that particular song. I have a friend that can't listen to anything with keyboards. He says keyboards have no place in metal whatsoever. The same goes for Swedish accents. This just confuses me to no end.
  8. Ruby Eyes

    Mikael, what songs are your most proud of?

    I have my favorites, but I think Mike should be proud of everything he has ever written, the good and the bad. All of it has gotten him to the point he's reached today.
  9. Ruby Eyes

    Promote Opeth

    Anytime my friends come over I always throw on Lamentations just before they show up. They're like, "man you're ALWAYS watching this, it MUST be good". Haha. I love subtle brain washing like that. I got a few people into them that way because they liked the stuff from Damnation, and the more...
  10. Ruby Eyes

    Is opeth influenced by jethro toll ?

    If he told me he wasn't into them I'd find it REALLY hard to believe, considering the prog record collection that he has.
  11. Ruby Eyes

    Most insipring, evil, beautiful Opeth riffs...opinions?

    Yes. Those harmonies are wicked. Kinda sound like an old Atari game though. lol. Or Super Castlevania on SNES.
  12. Ruby Eyes

    Ear plugs

    Nope, just smart. I'd still like to be able to hear my own guitar a few years down the road thanks. :heh:
  13. Ruby Eyes

    Ear plugs

    Not true. That ringing is a symptom of hearing damage. It's called tinnitus. I still have it because I badly abused my ears. It's true that you can block it out mentally, but the more you abuse your ears the worse the ringing will get. To everyone else, wear earplugs, TRUST ME.
  14. Ruby Eyes

    Most insipring, evil, beautiful Opeth riffs...opinions?

    The Funeral Portrait hands down. That riff fucking kills. I also love the riffs in Godhead's Lament and The Moor, Master's Apprentices, the ending of Closure on Damnation is fucking sweet, hmmm. What else? The part in When just before the lyric "The gate was closed that day, but I was bound to...
  15. Ruby Eyes

    About Opeth's Mics

    I would imagine whatever is available in the studio at the time. Funny story from Lopez on Lamentations about the guy they recorded Deliverance and Damnation with switching microphones on his drumkit in that first studio. That was awesome.