Recent content by Runny123

  1. R

    Drawing of Mikael

    Im speechless
  2. R

    Bands You Wish You Liked

    Yeah, I just gotta keep givin 'em a chance. It seems like it will take a while. but it seems worth it
  3. R

    Bands You Wish You Liked

    I try to like Cynic, But I cant. I dont know why.... The vocals just ruin it for me
  4. R

    North American Set List Request Thread

    they could play anything. and i still would be happy.
  5. R

    New Slayer.

    haha yeah, and also. That rammstein video that came out like a day or 2 before 9/11. the one where there terrorists in a bank or somethin.
  6. R

    Watershed american release pirate? (what´s yours?)

    No, I Bought the american standard edition of Watershed. Sounds like you got a bad version
  7. R

    Any good bands comming to southern germany?

    Well, What im asking here is if there is any good Metal bands playing in germany from march 21st to march 31st? .
  8. R

    New post from Mike

    What I learned from this blog. Fuck nokia india And 2 more songs on teh swedish tv4
  9. R

    What scene, where you live.

    Oh I see
  10. R

    What scene, where you live.

    For you germans near BONN, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Pretty decent stuff.
  11. R

    What scene, where you live.

    haha yeah. Thats close to springdale right?
  12. R

    What scene, where you live.

    Bentonvile. (hometown of wal-mart if somehow you magicly dont know where bentonvile is. lol)
  13. R

    What scene, where you live.

    what area of germany? I know some fairly decent german bands from The Saarland region.
  14. R

    What scene, where you live.

    Do hardcore people ever ask you if you use breakdowns?
  15. R

    What scene, where you live.

    Where i live in arkansas. Its just hardcore. :( In other words, It makes it tough to make a band that is progressive death.