Recent content by s3ike

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    You on Youtube

  2. S

    COB/Sinergy Guitar Covers

    Thanx :D I currently live in Singapore, and they have this shop called Davis Guitars .... they've got lots of ESP's and custom guitars :D Although, if u take a trip to Tokyo (which i did), they have an enormous guitar marked just lined up with all of Alexi's...
  3. S

    COB/Sinergy Guitar Covers

    Thanx :D Yeah, either that or i also learn some stuff through Alexi's "The Rock House Method Metal Guitar" :D Thanx for making the tabs btw, has helped me alot :D
  4. S

    COB/Sinergy Guitar Covers

    Trying to promote my cover videos, so here they are :rock: :kickass: Would be cool if i got more views :p