Recent content by Saberyn

  1. Saberyn

    Greetings from Croatia!

    I know that there MUST be more Croatians here. Hope you stop and say hi if you're from ljepa naša! Anyways, hi there, I'm just a guy that's interested in making atmospheric black metal. If you'd like a taste of what I'm cooking try this thread...
  2. Saberyn

    My album cover and a demo: Svitanje - Ages in despondency

    Svitanje is a Croatian word and it means, just as Ozzman linked, dawn in English.
  3. Saberyn

    My album cover and a demo: Svitanje - Ages in despondency

    Hi, I've always been interested in all sorts of art and lately I've gathered enough knowledge and will to make something. My preferred style is atmospheric black metal, that's the kind of metal I want to make. I'd like to ask you, what would you think if you saw this album cover somewhere...