Recent content by Sammi951

  1. Sammi951

    Happy fucking Birthday,Paxoman

    Happy 40th again luv!! :rock: Sorry you won't be there with us Richard, I'm waiting patiently to meet you! :cry:
  2. Sammi951

    SAXON LIVE - St Georges Day

    :lol: :lol: :blush: I'm saying nothing...but, funnily enough, it looks like I can make it now!! :grin: Oooh, it's good to be back on this forum, I do like that pic on Metal Dude's avatar!! :grin:
  3. Sammi951

    Welcome back

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Sammi951


    Errr, excuse me!! I read at least 6 lines!! :Smug: :lol: Ahhhh, decent smilies again...happy days! :rock:
  5. Sammi951

    This 'ol place need some new threads.....

    I've really missed these ones:- :rock: :lol: :Shedevil: :notworthy
  6. Sammi951

    Saxon set list thread

    We are going to try for Glasgow, Wilks...just waiting to see if we can get cheap train fares. Paxoman is going to the Astoria, but not me, with it being a school night!
  7. Sammi951

    To Hell And Back Again.........Four Times!

    Same here! :cry: Would have been great to meet up with old friends (even though we only just saw them in January! lol) and meet Saxonator, Northernlady and Saxonfan for the first time.
  8. Sammi951

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    It probably helped! :lol:
  9. Sammi951

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    Paxoman did the same sort of thing last night - he was talking to Fingers on the phone and ended the call by saying "cheers Fingers"...I was peeing myself laughing, it just sounded so ridiculous! :lol: Even more so because he knows his real name!
  10. Sammi951

    show your saxonstuff

    Is that a new hand cream? :lol: God, I'm in a stupid mood tonight! :grin:
  11. Sammi951

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    I might change mine, so that no-one knows my "real" name (oops, is it too late? :lol: ), and in future, I will insist that everyone calls me by my message board name, even people at work! :lol:
  12. Sammi951

    Now Playing

    And possibly the most boring!! :lol: :lol: Sorry, couldn't resist - but I'm not that arsed about what anyone else is listening to, myself! :grin:
  13. Sammi951


    Brilliant pics and review once again! "Guitar flirting"...oooh, I like that!! :lol: :rock:
  14. Sammi951


    Fantastic review as always, Saxonator! It left me with a big smile on my face and wanting more :rock:
  15. Sammi951

    I'm being cheeky-nowt to do with Saxon,but it IS for a good cause!

    Thanks Wilks :) Mothers Day is not the same when you no longer have your own mum (even when you're a mum yourself), so I can sympathise with your wife :cry: On a more positive note - the support I have had so far (financial and non-financial) off the people on here has been fantastic :notworthy