Recent content by Sanguis Morbis

  1. S

    Christian metal

    What the FUCK??!!! Christianity has absolutely NO place in Metal and any Christian who claims to make Black Metal is motherfuckin' RETARD who needs to be stomped into obliveon! "Look at me! I'm a Christian Anti-Christian!!! DUUUUHHHH!!!!!!"...I'm SICK to fucking death of seeing Christians...
  2. S

    Anyone like black metal?

    1) Xasthur 2) Enochian Crescent 3) Enthroned 4) Dark Funeral 5) Marduk 6) Carpathian Forest 7) Blasphemy Waaaay too many more to mention... :rock: :hotjump: :rock:
  3. S

    Anatolian Wisdom: Epic Black Metal

    Cheers! Thanks for the kind words. Our demo CD is currently being finished right now and I've since learned there will be some keyboards added just to certain key parts. Also, anyone interested in seeing us perform can purchase DVDs of us playing for relatively cheap through our bassist, Khaos...
  4. S

    things you fuckin HATE

    Poser Pop Punk crap like Suk 41 and Blink 182 (what's with the fuckin' numbers already?!) Ashton Kutcher Justin Timberlake Whiny Bleeding-heart Liberal idiots Anyone who tries to tell me I should have "compassion" for illegal immigrants Andy Dick Christians Catholics Jews Snivelling...
  5. S

    Does anyone like The Smashing Pumpkins

    I liked "Siamese Dream" quite a lot when I was stuck in my Alternative phase. They were at the top of my list of favourite Non-Metal bands along with Curve, Lush, Garbage, Soundgarden and a whole host of others.
  6. S

    Anatolian Wisdom: Epic Black Metal

    We're an Epic Black Metal band, meaning that some of our material has a little more melody than most BM bands, although we don't employ keyboards. Take a chance and check out our MP3 on our website's "Press" section. HAILS! :hotjump:
  7. S

    Hails From The Frozen White North...

    I should've mentioned: go to my band's website's "Press" section for a download of our song, "Spirit Of The Dark Ages".
  8. S

    Hails From The Frozen White North...

    Hails one and all. I'm from Vancouver BC (home of Strapping Young Lad and Skinny Puppy) and am the screamer of local Black Metallers, ANATOLIAN WISDOM. I just had a buddy alert me to this site and thought I'd check things out. Cheers!