Recent content by Sarindria

  1. Sarindria

    ...NeO off topic thread

    I'd offer up my place, but... I'm not back in Melbourne yet. /wrists (Though I've applied for a few places this week. *crosses everything*)
  2. Sarindria

    So.. What about some new material?

    I don't have to shag you for that. <3
  3. Sarindria

    So.. What about some new material?

    Relentless, Vred. :lol:
  4. Sarindria

    Most disappointing albums 2009

    I can't say whether that makes for "good" music, all I know is... I just get bored.
  5. Sarindria

    What are you doing/have you done today/this week?

    All that effort just for a basic fucking coffee. I'm sick of idiots. This week, I... Turned 25, got a job when I went to order salad (epic amusement there), and joined a band that won't go anywhere that I already hate being in. :)
  6. Sarindria

    What are you doing/have you done today/this week?

    Not interested in making things sexy, alas. I'm too selfish to share my tub. If I can ever find it again... I was fair smashed, and took an hour to find my way home again. *headdesk*
  7. Sarindria

    Questions for Svartwerk!

    Best thread ever. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard >.<
  8. Sarindria

    What are you doing/have you done today/this week?

    Already did, Vreddypoos. (Bahahaha.) Let's see. I spent 11 hours hiking through the forest on the weekend. Saturday night (technically Sunday morning, as it was 1am) I found a random bathtub in said forest. Decided to get clean. It was amazing. And frightening. Can't wait to go back and do it...
  9. Sarindria

    What are you doing/have you done today/this week?

    I dunno, Alleira wants to learn violin because of NeO vids on Youtube... :p
  10. Sarindria

    Help us keep Ben here in Australia! (Huge benefit show on July 31 in Melbourne!)

    Bummed I couldn't make it, but I'm so pleased to hear enough money was raised. :D
  11. Sarindria

    Screamfest 09

    I'll be sure to say hi at some point during my drunken stupour. :p
  12. Sarindria

    Screamfest 09

    NeO should be the 20th. (The flyer says 20 bands, the release says 19.) It'd be great.
  13. Sarindria

    Screamfest 09

    Seeing as you can fly there and back for $100, there's not really much of an excuse to be absent from this. \m/