Recent content by sayocean

  1. sayocean

    Band names

    And if your band plays "djent" your band name has to be in plural if you want to be cool Textures Volumes Structures Circles Aliases Intervals Reflections Covenants :D
  2. sayocean

    Band names

    It's hard because you really can't change it afterwards just like that and to me thats a huge commitment :D I've always loved band names that have only one word, like Emarosa, Saosin, Underoath etc. But those are the hardest ones to come up with
  3. sayocean

    Band names

    Go with the "the King, the Conqueror". All the bands or songs that are called "I, thisismyband" sound super cheesy to me..
  4. sayocean

    Joey's signature vocal compressor

    So joey posted this pic on his instagram! It seems to be a some type of one-knob-style plugin. Interested to see and hear how this sounds if it ever gets for everyone to purchase.
  5. sayocean

    My latest work!

    Howdy! I haven't posted much of my work here before, but I'm stoked how this song turned out. I thought I'd share it and maybe you could give me some feedback (even tho it's already released)
  6. sayocean

    New song with my 7-string (WIP)

    Yeah the bass guitar itself is a tad too loud, so is the kick. Other than that it sounds very nice!
  7. sayocean

    New EP.

    I could also give some feedback!
  8. sayocean

    Does anyone here use the new Logic?

    No guitar centers here in finland, sorry! Thanks a bunch tho :rock:
  9. sayocean

    Does anyone here use the new Logic?

    Yeah, I agree. It's all about the workflow and what things you are doing. I'm doing a lot of songwriting alongside with the mixing and mastering so pro tools is kinda clumsy with it (at least for me). But if i had the money, I would own all the major daws :D all of them have their pros and cons
  10. sayocean

    Does anyone here use the new Logic?

    Yeah it's cheap :D I have to find out if there's a way around the 64-bit plugin stuff other than rewiring. Thanks for the input!
  11. sayocean

    Does anyone here use the new Logic?

    Yeah last time I checked Logic was 179$ on the app store. I kinda like everything I read about it but guess I'll have to try and see if it suits my needs. Only thing that bums me is that it uses only 64-bit au-plugins, when some of my older plugins are 32-bit and can't be upgraded
  12. sayocean

    Does anyone here use the new Logic?

    Hi! I have been using reaper for a good while now. It's great, but in the long run It's kinda limited. Does anyone have any experience from the new Logic pro X? I was thinking of switching to it
  13. sayocean

    Sampling a drum kit!

    Sounds great! Just spend time tuning the drums well and finding the right placement for the mics. And sample as many velocities you can with each drum, especially with the snare. You can also try to sample some rolls and flams with the snare
  14. sayocean

    Sampling a drum kit!

    What kind of mics you have at your disposal?
  15. sayocean

    New chango stuff!

    It's just so stupid that nowdays you can just buy the "chango sound" from the store. All the presets, drum samples and production effects etc. Cameron has been creating his unique sound for years and now anyone can mimic him for very little effort. If I were him, I would rather keep my signature...