Recent content by Scarlet Rose

  1. Scarlet Rose

    Fav Song

    Black Rose Immortal The Night And The Silent Water April Ethereal Reverie/Harlequin Forest The Moor Godhead's Lament cannot pick one!
  2. Scarlet Rose

    Favourite Morningrise track

    hard choice between Black Rose Immortal and The Night And The Silent Water... TNATSW wins.
  3. Scarlet Rose

    What Opeth song got you hooked?

    i was searching for something and someone told me to get the song 'Black Rose Immortal'. I downloaded 2 minutes (!! - I had a really bad connection),listened to it... ehh, I didn't like it. I was a fan of heavy and power metal then and it was much heavier... but after some time I realised I want...
  4. Scarlet Rose

    Bands like Opeth?

    but their best album is 'Al Azif' :D unfortunately, now they change their style :( /if you cannot find April Ethereal, contact me, I'll try to help :)