Recent content by scimitar

  1. S

    Fixed bridges

    Nice Schecter Swabs. Personally I find Tune-O-Matic bridges to be uncomfortable in comparison to the low fixed bridges/floyd bridges, and since my main guitar currently has a Tune-O-Matic I'm quite certain it's not just because I'm not used to it. I find having the bridge closer to the body...
  2. S

    Guitar Player's Thread

    ^Mystique: Artifical harmonic is any harmonic done while the fret hand is holding a note, for example tapping a part of the string while holding a fretted to produce a harmonic as Paul Gilbert often does. I don't know how to explain how to perform this except to tell you that if you divided the...
  3. S

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Tyr awful live? :erk: Damnit, that crushed a lot of my hopes. I've had one of the worst days I've had in months, I won't even begin to go into why.
  4. S

    Tournament of Awesome FOOD #8 v. #9

    Yeah, thats a pretty important detail :lol: I went with tomatoes, I am generally not a fan of most soups.
  5. S

    The What The Hell Happened To Sinergy Thread

    Well with the release of Blooddrunk and all the touring, they might only get one week off, and they probably wouldn't want to fill it up with MORE stuff to work on. And if you've ever been involved with the recording process...nothing ever really goes as planned. It would definitely take longer...
  6. S

    COB Pics

    ^ How about instead you relate it to the awesome, flamboyant guitars of the 80s? The pink sawtooth is probably my favorite of the Alexi guitars.
  7. S

    Alexi's guitar roll FAILS!

    Exactly, purposely breaking gear is stupid. Even if you "have the money to do it", there's someone else who could get a lot of use out of your instrument, and if you have to resort to shit like that to impress the crowd, obviously your music+stage show isn't good enough.
  8. S

    COB Pics

    Yeah, Alexi would not accept being the 2nd sexiest guitarist in the band. When standing next to Roope, he looks like a fucking model :lol:
  9. S

    Guitar Compilation

    ^ Use a site like imageshack or photobucket to host the picture, and then copy the link as designated by the "picture button" above where you post if you can't use bbcode. Royal Eddie, awesome guitar, and I envy all your connections for guitar parts and decals!:kickass: I used to have some...
  10. S

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I think that only works if you're using RSE..I've never gotten it to import acsii, I just get a midi and convert it with another program. Edit: Yeah that sounds like an ear infection, I had a really bad one the other week where my hearing was mostly blocked and the pain was so bad I could...
  11. S

    Dude! I'm totally alone in my house! what's the first thing I should do!? xD

    This thread...:lol::lol: Kaga I would take the alpha, but I need the money the woman gives me to pay for rent at my rehearsal cannot bite the hand that feeds you. And thus I am confined. *sigh*
  12. S

    Dude! I'm totally alone in my house! what's the first thing I should do!? xD

    The other day I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and sit outside in just my boxers, which are, in truth, at least as long as some girl's shorts. Later my mom comes out and starts shouting something about the neighbors. :rolleyes: Even at my own house, I am robbed of my rights
  13. S


    Yeah, same with me, I just go straight to red. My plan over the summer is to load up on sun tan lotion and sleep on my hammock, see if it does anything.
  14. S

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Fuck yeah! Kudos to all involved.
  15. S

    What are you listening to?

    Un-Born Again, Exhorder. You might have to break down and learn them yourself. It seems that's the only way to get anything done anymore; do it yourself.