Recent content by Scorned

  1. Scorned

    Death Metal bands with long songs?

    I wasn't at home for days, so i saw the replies a couple minutes ago. Thanks for all the suggestions, and ofc i know about behemoth and nile, i used to be obsessed with them. :D Thank y'all again.
  2. Scorned

    Death Metal bands with long songs?

    Well i'm not that into black metal except for Alcest, Emperor, Old Man's Child or earlier Dimmu Borgir.I always found Post- Black interesting but I always wanted to hear badass riffs and melodies rather than ambient tunes or stuff like it. The songs you've sent here are my kind of death metal...
  3. Scorned

    Death Metal bands with long songs?

    Thanks y'all. Yeah it seems kinda arbitrary but when it comes to the metal music i always prefer long songs, except for grind or stuff though.
  4. Scorned

    Death Metal bands with long songs?

    It may sound weird but i like my Death Metal with long lenghts. Vital Remains, latest Spawn of Possession etc. If anyone knows bands with +6 minute songs, i'd like to hear it. Thank you all.