Recent content by scornful blessing

  1. scornful blessing

    COB Pics

    I found that picture a few hours ago. it was taken before the cob concert in cologne, when we were at the train we met a guy who was exactly looking like alexi. On that picture not that much but beliebe me, they were very similar!
  2. scornful blessing

    Slayer or CoB?

    U dont have to be abusive. It's just my opinion that u can't compare their music! I think their riffs are completely different! For example Mandatory Suicide...with which COB song would u compare this song?
  3. scornful blessing

    Age Thread

    I'm ashamed of my age...*grml* 15
  4. scornful blessing

    Slayer or CoB?

    They both make music, okay. But thy're so different...U even cant compare their music
  5. scornful blessing

    Slayer or CoB?

    I dont hate Slayer but I certainly prefer COB!!!! U can't compare Slayer with COB...
  6. scornful blessing

    Happy Fucking New Year CoB!

    Happy new year!!!
  7. scornful blessing


    I wondered either..and suddenly the car was away...Strange
  8. scornful blessing

    The What Are YOU Drinking For New Years thread.

    that's disgusting:yuk:
  9. scornful blessing

    Children Of Bodom New Year's Nacho Bowl!!!

    Me,too. But not with Cheese Dip, I hate cheese....
  10. scornful blessing


    @vicious cat: The sound wasn't bad! But I'm still a little angry that they didn't play Towards dead end! You just were staring at Alexi? Do u wanna fool me? When Henkka took of his t-shirt u can't tell me that u werent staring at Henkka :D :D :D
  11. scornful blessing

    Own Pictures Thread

    What was the occasion to wear those "trendy" clothes?
  12. scornful blessing

    The What Are YOU Drinking For New Years thread.

    Traditional: Loads of beer :D
  13. scornful blessing

    The Thread for Pros!!

    yeh, Draznog is right! I'm here since 2004, am I a newbie, just because I didnt have that time to post in every free minute??
  14. scornful blessing

    COB Interviews

    @Ryka nice Interview...I'd like to say I can translate it for u but my English is crap...Sorry!