Recent content by screamformechicago

  1. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    That's a good point you make about Camel. He has mentioned them, and that does make a case for a prog pedigree. While we may be disagreeing on labeling, I think we're both clear on Opeth's prog influences. As for the bands I mentioned as prog metal, again, people put bands in lots of boxes...
  2. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    I'm sorry that you don't understand the point I'm trying to sad for you that you have to get grumpy about it. Show some respect for an old man who's been around the block once or twice, will ya? My point was in response to Powers' statement that prog metal somehow derives from/has...
  3. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Well, of course these kinds of conversations about what stemmed from what are up to differing interpretations, but this is how I see it... Blues led to rock 'n roll, which led to rock, which led to progressive rock and hard rock... Heavy Metal is the child of prog rock and hard rock...
  4. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Hmmm...I can't say that I agree with your classification, especially that prog metal somehow derives/takes influence from death and black metal. Progressive metal came first, so it can't derive from death metal. That's why I'd tend to agree with the statement that Opeth are death metal with...
  5. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Well, be kind to them. Even Mikael says on the Lamentations DVD that he totally understands why the death growl would turn people away.
  6. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Well, THAT was I understand everything...:Spin:
  7. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Yeah, I know that Opeth is pretty mild in comparison to a lot of the death metal out there. I certainly do appreciate that about them. BTW, I see that Opeth just announced a date at the House of Blues here in Chicago. Cool! Anyone want to come along with an Opeth nOOb?
  8. S

    Can someone explain death metal's appeal?

    Hi. First post and all. I'm a long-time metal listener, mostly of the classic and progressive varieties, although some power metal (Iced Earth, for ex) appeals to me. I was looking to get into a new band, and had heard a lot about Opeth. Ghost Reveries was on a lot of peoples' top ten...