Recent content by Seabass

  1. Seabass

    To All of Those WHo Went to the Show So Far..... How'd You Like the Skull Pole????

    I was laughing my ass off at that pole, especially when he started headbanging with it and stated "this is going to hurt" or some shit, great stuff man.
  2. Seabass

    Your Favorite Opeth "Moment"

    I can't just pick apart the songs so easily! i'm thinking "hell yeah, that part in demon, and then after that, and before that and oh hell, the whole thing" Its all so incrediable, one i can say is the beginning to "The Moor" that begginning just prepares you for whats to come. But as far as my...
  3. Seabass

    newbie questions...

    As far as favorites go, MAYH tops the list for me. I do enjoy(quite excessivly) their older/middle stuff, but i'd have to say Deliverance has successfully climbed to spot number 2. After seeing "Deliverance" and "Master's Apprentices" live, i was completely blown away by it, just re-enforces its...
  4. Seabass

    Opeth's Valentine's Day Massacre at Tremont...

    I was there, right fucking there, no more than 10ft away from it all, it was fucking badass. I'm surprised my girlfriend wanted to go, such a hellatious time. This would be my second time seeing opeth, and and i'd have to say it was much better this time than at Ziggy's in winston-salem. I...