Recent content by SeanNZ

  1. S

    Cello cover of "Allure of the Earth"

    Amazing! I love cello... so beautiful
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    Wolves in the Throne Room

    Boris are a Japanese Doom/Drone/Sludge band. Not too sure about Torche... I have to admit Wolves in the Throne Room didn't impress me on my first listen a few years back - perhaps because i was expected more folk music in the mix. I'm looking at ordering their album(s) now. Are they both...
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    Where I can get Dreams D'azur???

    I managed to get a copy on ebay about a year ago now... i guess i was lucky? I got Dreams D'azur, Classica, and Novembrine Wlatz at the same time if i recall right. All of the albums are Century Media releases and had fine print saying something like "not for sale outside of the Russian...
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    Good news in the Metal News:

    Not really my sort of music, but he seems a really good guy. There's obviously been a lot of work put into the album, and he deserves every success.
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    Agalloch - The "White" e.p.

    I'd like to get this album but perhaps it's too late... it puzzles me as to why a band like Agalloch, which is well known as far this sort of music goes, always releases such limited numbers of eps/albums. If they're selling out this quick, surely they could sell more and get their music out to...
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    WoY in Random YouTube Black Metal Top 10

    Nice! I'm not familiar with most of those bands, though there's certainly some i'll need to check out. Good to see WoY getting support!
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    "Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth" 100 Downloads.

    Wow, this was quite unexpected and very much appreciated! The two songs i already have from this album (from the myspace page) are among my favourite tunes by Woods... and while i much prefer owning the CD, this will tide me over until i can get my own "physical representation" of the album.
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    those peanut butter on the brain riffs in Ontario Town

    The Intro riff... i especially like the point, about 28 seconds in, where all the instruments drop out except for the clean guitar. Impresses me every time
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    WoY Jokes.

    I think "moss" works just fine :P
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    You, the (woods)people! What kind of new shirts do you want to see?

    The "Ontario logo" and the prints on the grey shirt look great. I tend to favour simple designs rather than plastering every bit of space with song lyrics :)
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    WoY Jokes.

    :lol: That cocktail one is great
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    "Through Chaos and Solitude I Came..." Explained:

    Initially the mention of "Black Metal" did kind of annoy me... and i did make a comparison to the self reference that seems to be so common in hip hop. But after a few listens it occurred to me that those two things are not at all similar. The song deals with "black metal" as an abstract idea...
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    Canadian Teen "Influenced By Black Metal Music" Wanted To Punish Churches

    It's a shame to here this... metal is already looked down on by parts of society, and this sort of publicity will only reinforce any negative view points.
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    Woods of Ypres is a "love 'em or hate 'em" kind of band...

    Wow, some of that criticism makes no sense to me. I think WoY has quite a distinct sound (I'm aware of no other bands like it). There has to my ears been an obvious progression over the three albums, but the essence of what makes this band appeal to me is still there - that mix of black metal...
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    Has anyone gotten their CD yet?

    I'm way of in New Zealand and have just received mine this morning... so i'm guessing most everyone else has received theirs by now (or at least will be very soon). It will be interesting to see what everyone thinks. I've really enjoyed the first listen (particularly reading the lyrics), but...