Recent content by SelthX

  1. S

    20 minutes and counting

    GREAT JOB WES! Keep up the good work :kickass:
  2. S

    GREAT PARTY WES! Thanks Rapture Radio.

    Excellent show Wes. Don't stop pumping out the metal! Keep Unleashing the Fury with Penetrator.
  3. S

    Penetrator cd In its full glory next Monday on Rapture Radio!

    I'll be busy spreading the word. I bet that's what the rest of those Penetrator Fans are doing! Monday night, right?
  4. S

    Penetrator. Killer Cd!

    My kid brother swiped the CD from me! For newcomers who self-produced the CD.... Unleash The Fury kicks ass!
  5. S

    best unsigned indie bands?

    PENETRATOR! Watch out for this band..they are getting great hype from a lot of sources. Just check out the reviews coming out on these guys. Some claim that they "will make history" as newcomers in Canadian Metal. You MUST see them live if you ever get the opportunity. These guys can really...
  6. S

    Thanks from Maxel Black of PENETRATOR.

    It's so cool to see a band member take the time to thank the fans. It proves why they remain so dedicated. This album is going to stir a lot of attention. The word going around is that you WILL get signed SOON! GREAT REVIEW on Hard Beyond Driven. Unleash The Fury!