Recent content by Sentdown

  1. S

    "Joey" the movie!!!

    woe.... Pledge Night. :rock: never seen it. Have looked for it for years. I remember back in '88 when this was relased, the magazine Gorezone had an article with Joey about the movie and Anthrax.
  2. S

    I cannot make a chick have an orgasm

    Holy Shit, hah hahaa , thats fucking cool.
  3. S

    Bush rumored to be done with the band???

    Haahaaaha I just pictured Dans whole thing. He comes on here, sees rumours and automatically thinks "its true!!". Has never even heard a word from Scott or Charlie. Immediatley hits the gym and starts pumping iron. Gets a website rolling the next day.......... talkin MAD...
  4. S

    Bush rumored to be done with the band???

    In my mind, what i want to believe is....... John needs time off, desperatley. What if his marriage is at stake? Have you thought of that? Im sure the guy doesnt want to lose what little he has. Im sure they didnt want to pass up the oppertunity, and maybe John said, " dont pass up this...
  5. S

    Why is it............

    Yea, long before your tired ass got here.
  6. S

    Read it and weep..........

    damn, thats what i was thinking. i bet they cant say yet though, because of legal bullshit.
  7. S

    Dan Spitz's new website.

    All i can say is........ What The Fuck???? That site was cheese!!!! Nice beard. is that a gang sign or peace?? All of a sudden Anthrax matters to Dan Spitz??? hmmmm.... sounds like these rumours are becoming truer. :cry: This is getting sad.
  8. S

    I figured the whole Joey reunion thing.

    Lets all not be accusing Anthrax of anything and wait and see what they have to say. If they ever do........... :erk:
  9. S

    Do an inventory of your fridge...

    Its not totally empty............ Theres a Chia Pet in there. :grin:
  10. S

    New AM and...

    $65,000 to play to a bunch of snot nosed kids? No thanks, id rather buy a house. Fuck Ozzfest.
  11. S

    Happy Birthday Scott Rosenfeld

    happy birthday scooter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. S

    Reunion Tour???

    I agree. One half of me says that would be cool to see, but the other half says. Its not going to do anything for Anthrax's career in the present. Maybe but eh. Lets all wait to see what is said.
  13. S


    " Hey guys were all rock n rollers here " " You look like half a butt puppet! " So many great lines in that movie! " Shut up dicksmoke! "
  14. S

    Phil comments on!!!!

    man, i feel bad for Phil that he wasnt able to go to the funeral. Thats got to be hard to take. isnt it crazy that all this shit is happening/happened just because some punk ass 25 yr old kid that nobody knew from Ohio, decided to lose his mind and go and shoot up a club. this is nuts. i...
  15. S

    Favorite Geetar's?

    Im bored OK,so im gonna ask everyone. Out of all the guitars, past and present Anthrax have used, which are your favorites? Id have to say, Scotts old white Jackson Rhodes. :rock: That thing ruled. I want to buy it from him some day. Spitz always had some custom shit too, that one Jackson...