Recent content by shade.empire

  1. S

    New Imperanon Songs

    i tried looking but i couldn't find cipher system's website. do you know if they have one? how about telling me some other similar bands like cipher system and system shock if you have some in mind? new music is always welcome=) some other great albums imo are blind stare-symphony of...
  2. S

    New Imperanon Songs

    i like the lyrics in the unborn better than in inhumanity. few more great debut-albums in my opinion are cipher system-central tunnel 8 and deadlock- earth revolt and system shock- arcticwhatever (can't recall) has a few good songs in it too. too bad cipher system is to my knowledge disassembled...
  3. S

    New Imperanon Songs

    shade empire sure changed but i like it still. i also like both mors principium est albums(the second one is a lot better though). about bands that take a change for the better i can say throes of dawn is a very good example. their quicksilver clouds kicks ass.
  4. S

    New Imperanon Songs

    that goes without saying but like i said just say it and get over it. and yes all bands don't change between albums but especially between albums 1 and 2 most bands changes attleast a little. an example of a band that never changes is children of bodom. they got boring after hatebreeder and i...
  5. S

    New Imperanon Songs

    i really don't understand why you guys should badmouth imperanon for their appearences and stuff. is that really necessary? if you don't like their new stuff just say it and get over it. allmost all bands change between albums (shade empire is a very good example of that) and after the beating...