Recent content by shadow dragon

  1. S


    yeah I know you too babe x
  2. S

    Metalism UK presents... Ragnarok UK Metalfest 2006!

    bring it on! haha this is nearly a year away!
  3. S

    Prog Power Pre show Party March 24th

    See you there! Looking forward to it x
  4. S

    This is so Funny ....

    haha that made me laugh muchly
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    Intense Xmas Drink

    Update.... 45.
  6. S

    hello everyone

    Yeah Sean, have you ever heard of ProgPower? lol :-P
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    Intense Xmas Drink

    Bloody snakebites. Since the start of the INTENSE pub crawl I have had... 24. And I even made it to work on time every day! \m/
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    Heavy Metal Eurovision

    Yeah I feel a bit bad about that now. Now that it's Friday night, I've had a few post-work beers and I'm feeling mellow, I apologise. Haha I saw a mouse foetus in a loaf of bread today! Completely gross. I even had to take a photo for the paper. I also met a cool guy at work, he's a maniac...
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    Heavy Metal Eurovision

    Call me a gimp maybe, call me dense, but I can't work out how to vote. And what exactly are the connotations of a 'Heavy Metal Eurovision', you might ask. If you win, does that bestow upon you the dubious honour of being the Bucks Fizz of heavy metal? All hail the BFOBHM...
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    Power Quest last night

    Any of you guys go? Great show despite the shoddy turnout and I really enjoyed Soliloquy as well. Thanks guys for playing my request :D eveyone's happy with Wings of Forever! Hi to MR John :D
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    Norwich 12/11/05

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    Norwich 12/11/05

    Great pics Max
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    Norwich 12/11/05

    Sean I thought you were gonna make an effort to keep your hands/mic/hair out of your face?! Haha! Nice pics tho... cool.
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    Norwich 12/11/05

    Haha ;) how did you know?
  15. S

    Hammerfall last night

    haha i enjoyed the bloke behind us saying to his mate 'that was the best drum solo i've ever heard' LOL obviously not heard too many then! *sigh* god I'm bored