Recent content by shagrath-jesus

  1. shagrath-jesus


    Play air guitar, that way you are michael romeo.
  2. shagrath-jesus

    the most "metal" piece

    Helloweens, "heavy metal hamsters" off of pink bubbles go ape! It defines metal.
  3. shagrath-jesus

    how fast can you pick?

    1 beat per minute whole notes!
  4. shagrath-jesus

    DREAMSCAPE, classy music, classy people..

    I agree they put on a great show and are great guys.
  5. shagrath-jesus

    Where is everybody coming from?

    I will be traveling east through the raging winds of Ivan the terrible's reaping wrath from the enchanted lands of algalord. After my journey my glory shall be fulfilled through my quest for the metal. Dargor shall guide my way and my sword. Kyle the great
  6. shagrath-jesus

    The Great Kat

    Anyone who watches is now dumb.
  7. shagrath-jesus

    What kind of snare does jason rullo use?

    I have seen the DW edge on ebay before thought. But it was always like 450$. Which is a great deal if your looking to buy one. So keep heads up on ebay! :rock:
  8. shagrath-jesus

    What kind of snare does jason rullo use?

    hahahahah mudshark we practicing this week or what?
  9. shagrath-jesus

    Drummers: What do you think about Carl Palmer and Terry Bozzio?

    Terry Bozzio is great, but if you like him you should listen to billy cobham.
  10. shagrath-jesus

    What kind of snare does jason rullo use?

    I would like to know what kind of snare jason rullo uses. Can anyone help? I know he uses the DW edge but isnt there like 3 different kinds of that model?