Recent content by Shhitbirdz

  1. Shhitbirdz

    Anyone from Gothenburg?

    Hell no, just some stupid minorities. I'm Swedish and i hang out with a lot of foreign people, Chilenos for instance ;) Their music taste is horrible though, they only listen to that reggaeton crap.
  2. Shhitbirdz

    New (weird) Opeth Interview

    That guy was flaming
  3. Shhitbirdz

    Live from Malmö on Swedish Radio P3?

    Thank you Stilgar! Very appreciated.
  4. Shhitbirdz

    Bloodbath video clip

    lol that was hilarious
  5. Shhitbirdz

    Mikael Akerfeldt's favorite musicians

    Peter Lindgren
  6. Shhitbirdz

    Single Most Powerful moment in an Opeth song

    ^ It's brother.
  7. Shhitbirdz

    Controversial Opeth Opinions

    I like Porcelain Heart. And btw, don't you hate it when you are taking a shit on a public crapper and some off the poo water splashes you ass and balls?
  8. Shhitbirdz

    Controversial Opeth Opinions

    Blackwater Park is Opeth's most overrated song.
  9. Shhitbirdz

    Name one song with better growling than Blackwater Park!

    Heir Apparent The Grand Conjuration Beneath The Mire
  10. Shhitbirdz

    Akerday this friday

    My day today :) Woho
  11. Shhitbirdz

    A Fair Judgement = Mike's hooker experience?

    I found a funny comment when i was scrolling through the Opeth section on Some guy had this to say about what A Fair Judgement is really about: ""I once read this interview with Åkerlund, and he said: "A Fair Judgement is probably one the most enjoyable songs to play...
  12. Shhitbirdz

    Opeth Sections?

    Still Life :)
  13. Shhitbirdz

    Progressive Nation 2009 (Europe/UK)

    Cut from the swedish ticket site: "Svenska Opeth var ett självklart val inför Europaturnén, med sitt aktuella album "Wetershead" tänjer de på alla tänkbara gränser." "Wetershead"... Weter's Head? Who the hell is Weter? :erk:
  14. Shhitbirdz

    Happy birthday MM!

    Happy B-day Martin :)
  15. Shhitbirdz

    If you could take one song...

    ^ :fuckyou: