Recent content by Shinaain

  1. S

    COB Pics

    I might have said this before, but after the last few batches of pictures I feel that it bears repeating: I cannot recall ever having come across another man whose eyes I want to scratch out for jealousy of his hair. Goddamn it, Roope... *afterthought* Oh, yeah: He's pretty good at playing...
  2. S

    North American headline tour with Devin Townsend

    Of the tour dates announced thus far, there's not a show within 12 hours of me. That means either (a) I'm going to have to log in some serious travel time to make it to any one of these shows OR (b) I'm going to have to hold out hope that there will be more dates announced and that maybe at...
  3. S

    North American headline tour with Devin Townsend

    My tits just exploded.
  4. S

    COB Interviews

    The birth wasn't "advertised." Nothing unusual. But as it would seem there are belated congratulations in order: CONGRATULATIONS, JASKA!
  5. S

    COB Interviews

    Cool points to Kerrang! for attempting something different; however, in addition to the fact that Alexi and Janne were already at a disadvantage in this "game" for not speaking English as a first language, none of their specialty subjects were covered. To wit: SPECIALIST SUBJECTS: Cars...
  6. S

    COB Interviews

    Shut up, Joonas. Celeb, you're the hero of my day. That translation is well and truly epic. Thanks so much for giving of your time and attention to do that for the fans who can't read Suomi. THANK YOU!! And you're correct about Google Translate - it spits it out in nonsense and tells you nothing.
  7. S

    COB Pics

    Um, g1zmo? That isn't what I think it is, is it? Please tell me no.
  8. S

    COB Interviews

    Oh, wow! That rocks, Celeb! Thank you.
  9. S

    COB Pics

    Yep! HERE
  10. S

    The Ugly World Tour 2011

    Damn. Talk about dedication to your craft.... Suffice it to say, after getting a gander at this fucknuts touring schedule, I don't care to ever have to read another bullshit comment about how COB favors North America over the rest of the world. Just saying.
  11. S

    COBHC real FaceBook profiles?

  12. S

    COBHC real FaceBook profiles?

    Admin, since this isn't the first time this question has been asked, could you please also add your response to the FAQs thread? If it's already there and my use of the search function is an epic fail, please disregard this request. 1RoNMa1DeN: Welcome to the board! Odds are, the people you...
  13. S

    COB Pics

    Checking out the length of that skirt, I'm going to venture a guess and say whoever was on the barricade in front of Henkka likely had the best view of the night - regardless of which side of the fence they swing from. I feel like I'm in my safe place here, so I'll cop to being entirely TOO...
  14. S

    Dale Resteghini new COB video

    He didn't didn't give a context, so there's really no reason to assume they were "on set" or something. They could have been anywhere. They've been on the road, traveling between gigs, Joonas. America is huge and there are still plenty of rural areas that don't have cell phone coverage or...
  15. S

    COB Pics

    Given the opportunity, Sleeper would drink on me. Just saying.