Recent content by Shoop

  1. Shoop

    Last movie you've watched

    One of the best movies ever.
  2. Shoop

    Amon Amarth to tour Europe with Dimmu Borgir !

    I live in the god dmaned US..... Not only is the UN gonna nuke us but I cant see the fuckin' show. Two of my faviorite bands...
  3. Shoop

    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    Cry of The Blackbirds, Pursuit of Vikings, Death in Fire, Victorious March, or Gods of War Arise.
  4. Shoop

    Ever turn non-metal friends on to AA?

    I tryed but they thought it was "noise", they are just jealous cause rappers dont have as much talent as Johan has in his finger tip.
  5. Shoop

    Best albums I've discovered in 2007

    Yeah try to be more in depth :P but I will hand it to you good choices. I just got fire up the blades yesterday and i moust've listened to it at least 3 times :P.
  6. Shoop

    Fave 80's Thrash Album

    For Me it is REIGN IN BLOOD by, SLAYER!!! /m/ >.< /m/ Slayer is one of the best bands ever.
  7. Shoop

    From The Northern Darkness....

    Hey guys im Shoop (orly?) and im really into black,death, and thrash metal. Faviorite bands are Slayer, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse,Ensiferum, and Dimmu Borgir. So whats up guys?