Recent content by Shredder69

  1. S

    Favorite drumming songs?

    I'm not a drummer either, but Yanic from Quo Vadis is awesome. I'd try to play like that guy if I ever had picked up the drums.
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    yeah, the guitar tones are great on that album, very thick. Can't specify any models, but there is some studio footage on their DVD they released a little bit back from that particular album, Galder is recording a little section and maybe it shows the amp while he's playing, I don't know. maybe...
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    Official Kalmah Merchandise

    are the shirts still sold out? I ordered one about 2 weeks ago, and received it in a little over a week, and I live in Tennessee. Very quick delivery and response(in Finnish). It is a very nice shirt, design and quality. Highly recommend getting one
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    5150's and guitarists???

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    Guitar Port Questions- Thinking of buying

    Hey, well I can't help you with the online downloadable features, but I do use the Guitarport and Rifftracker(a recording program used with guitarport) to record riffs and such. There are a lot of cool features, amp/effect combinations, ability to switch from single-coil to humbucker, and lots...
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    what is with new guitar sound?

    Actually, they are using different amps now. They've almost always used 5150's, now they use the Mesa Triaxis.
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    Ambivalent- Best Guitar Solo from Loomis?

    i agree with phish, engines of hate is an amazing solo
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    Nov 8th!!!! Atlanta!!!!! Get Some!!!!!

    Hey, I went to the show as well, it was a damn awesome show and get this, I went to Tower Records at about 7:30, 30 minutes before the show started, and I ran into Jeff Loomis!!! no shit, I have a picture with him and his autograph and we chatted for a little. I also got Steve's autograph from...
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    Question about melodies

    thanks everyone so far, except for the "learn some theory" guy. i'm just getting help, thats all
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    Question about melodies

    Sorry if this is dumb, but when I write melodies and harmonies and such, i have a hard time figuring out the correct chords to play behind them, (usually power chords), is there a specific way to figure out which chords are correct to play behind a melody? i'm assuming to just play the chords to...
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    What do you all recommend for a lead guitar boost?

    thanks everyone for all the input so far, my friend let me use a boss OD-1, but it really didn't do anything, just made it more distorted and thin, but i will look into the multi-effect pedal types. does anyone know of a volume pedal that actually increases volume? i bought an ernie ball volume...
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    What do you all recommend for a lead guitar boost?

    I'm having a little trouble with my leads being heard above everyone else at my band's shows, just wondering what anyone recommends as a lead guitar volume pedal/lead boost? i've been told the Tube Screamer is probably the best bet, just wondering what anyone else thought. I play a Peavey V-Type...
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    any metalheads in Tennessee?

    I live in Chattanooga, TN. Not too many metalheads here, but some. Its quite hard to find any good metal musicians here besides the very very few that I know. I saw you guys (The Showdown) a little bit back at Ziggy's with Destroy X3, i definitely thought you guys were the best band that played...