Recent content by Shreddrb

  1. S

    Did this really happen???

    I know I missed the boat on this one, but I heard that Tales from the Pit had some TOTT video clips for download? I know that there is an Into the Pit live at TOTT live clip out there, anyone know where to download it from instead of the impossible WinMX?
  2. S

    Testament Playing March Metal Meltdown V in NJ??

    I highly doubt Exciter will be there either, it's kinda hard to play live without a bassist or singer.
  3. S

    First time you saw TestAmenT ?

    I've been a fan of Testament since 87'. But the first time I saw them live was in Ottawa Canada in 92' during the Ritual tour, literally weeks before Alex left the band. It was a great show, something happened to the sound system during the last couple of songs. But all in all it was awesome...
  4. S

    Pay To Play

    The band I just joined a few months ago, has a story similar to the one Heretic Princess is talking about, last year they paid a ridiculous sum of money to drive to Milwaukee from Canada (18 hours to be exact) to play the Metalfest. Barrymore's the biggest and most popular club venue in Ottawa...
  5. S

    Last Time TESTAMENT played your city:

    I saw them in Ottawa on the Ritual tour in 92' They haven't been back to Ottawa since, but Montreal isn't too far away, so I saw them there in 2000 for the Gathering tour, the show was awesome!