Recent content by ShreddyESP

  1. ShreddyESP

    yamaha hs50m question

  2. ShreddyESP

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Ibanez RG1527 w/ AirNorton7 in the Neck and a Bareknuckle Miracle Man7 in the bridge.
  3. ShreddyESP

    Need Some opinions on this mix (Metalcore band from India)

    Nice to see some more Indian metal on here! I think the drum panning is a bit off, but the guitar tones aren't bad at all! Good job!
  4. ShreddyESP

    Limit Zero EP [SSD/PODX3]

    The EP is now available for free download/streaming! Download: Streaming:
  5. ShreddyESP

    Preview my new CD!

    Awesome, Matt! Sounds fantastic!
  6. ShreddyESP

    Limit Zero EP [SSD/PODX3]

  7. ShreddyESP

    Limit Zero EP [SSD/PODX3]

    Hey guys, My band/project Limit Zero just released it's first CD, a self titled 3 track debut EP. You can hear the sample track on: The CD cover was designed by Jon Allen...
  8. ShreddyESP

    Rough Recording of new song! Please Listen!

    Thanks for listening guys! We've found a few bassists so i'm pretty sure the next few tracks will have some kickass low end!
  9. ShreddyESP

    New Mix - demo of my band (real guitars, drums, bass, etc.)

    Yeah i've heard parts of this song before, just not this version! Btw, check out my song if you've got the time!
  10. ShreddyESP

    New Mix - demo of my band (real guitars, drums, bass, etc.)

    Wow dude, sounds really good! Did you post this on the espboards? I might've missed it!
  11. ShreddyESP

    Rough Recording of new song! Please Listen!

    Hey guys, i haven't posted in a while but here's my new song "Focus". The recording isn't too great. I plan on re-recording this track and the two others in a few weeks once i finish my tests. Those tracks will be better mixed/mastered and will definitely have Bass! For those of you who don't...
  12. ShreddyESP

    Tascam US1641 Thoughts/Opinions? I was thinking of going for a M-Audio Fast Track 8r , but at the price this one is going for, and the fact that i don't have to get it down from some other country makes this seem like...
  13. ShreddyESP

    Thinking of buying a bunch of stuff after summer

    Edwards LP for sure. Within that price range, you won't get a better deal new!
  14. ShreddyESP

    Mic stands

    Hercules, need to get a couple of those for myself too.