Recent content by ShredRaid

  1. S

    Happy Birthday to Jason Rullo!!!

    Have a grrrrrrrreat birthday and take it easy on your day Jason.
  2. S

    Romeo Plays ESP...

    I own an Ibanez RG 3120 Prestige and its awsome, killer tone and man does it shred!!!!
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    Romeo plays DiMarzio pickups!

    On the topic of Romeos tone I am still in seach of amp settings that will resemble Romeos tone and sound. I too use the Line 6 Vetta and come close to some of his sounds but I was wondering if anyone could still give some advice on what settings to use with or without knowledge of the vetta.
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    Michael Romeo Sent Me Tape!!!!!

    yeah the whole band was awsome to me, I brought my guiatr to the North Hollywood show and got to meet the entire band while onward was playing. They were all up stairs at the key club and for some reason the guy gaurding the up stairs let my friend and I go up there and they were all there...
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    Yet another Guitar Question

    Once again i am in seach of MJR sounds on my amp. Im running through the line six vetta and I was wondering of anyone could give me any hints on how to obtain MJRs sounds like his really high bass and high tone and his heavly loaded chours/reverb sound to end and begin solos and songs.
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    romantic songs..

    Sentenced- Mourn Steve Vai - Tender Surrender Savatage - When the crowds are gone and Believe Joe satriani- Always with me always with you Symphony X - Edge of Forever Dream Theater - Another Day
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    Shred Question

    ShredManWalking: My left hand is far more flawless than my right but still there nothing I would like to do more than gallop. I think im just gonna keep working at it with the metrenome and hopefully i'll get it sooner or later. But my sweeps and legato technique are far my superiour. And I...
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    Shred Question

    This reply is to Russel, I was just wondering if you rember me from the Hollywood show. My name is Ryan Winkeler and before the entire show started I came up stairs and got to meet everybody but Romeo. I think that when I saw you standing there I almost shit my pants and then after...
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    Shred Question

    I have the same problem as Russel Allen and Satanic Rabbit. My picking hand just cant keep up with my fretting hand. I just cant go faster and my friend that is a shred master said that he didnt work on building up speed and pratice to a met but that his fater told him how to hold the pick...
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    Shred Question

    I am Left Handed but play guitar right handed. Ive been having this trouble improving my shred skills with my right hand when I pick. I thought that it might because im left handed so i placed the pick in my left hand and not only did i play faster but it was so relaxed. I dont really want to...
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    How to SHRED!!

    excatly my problem Dr. Shred, I had my own way of shreding but then i have like ten people telling me that my technique is wrong and that i need to start over. So before this i could shred but i wasent "loose" i had a straight arm and also picked from the elbow but they said i wont ever get...
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    How to SHRED!!

    Thanks i'll keep those tips in mind, and I promise I wont let speed overpower me, I will created balance!
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    How to SHRED!!

    Guys I have a very important question, I need tips on shreding. I know a guy who just flys on the guitar and he tells me that its all in the wrist. But I said I dont have enough strength yet and he said that its not about strength its just the way you hold and position your pick and wrist. I...
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    Fuck Blind Guardian! Symphony X rules!

    I hope that when i see Symphony X at the key club that they will be like that. Ever since the first time ive heard them ive always wanted to see them live and i bought a white ltd to hopefully have Michael Romeo and the band sign after the show.
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    MJR and his sound!

    I agree with Metropolis. I have my own sound but I also like to mimic other peoples sound because its fun to jam with and experiment with and incooperate into MY own sound. But no hard feelings im sure you didnt mean it as an insult. I was wondeirng if mabye someone could post the link from...