Recent content by ShredWannabe

  1. S

    Question to Mr. Broderick or anyone interested.

    It really depends on the person. Everyone has their own unique strengths. I think it's impossible to really give you an answer, but, one thing I can guarantee is that if you're really dedicated, and practice wisely, you can achieve your goal.
  2. S

    How did Classical Guitar effect you?

    Hey Chris, I'm just wondering how being classically trained effected you as a guitar player and as a composer.
  3. S

    New Vids of the ENGL booth NAMM show

    Those are some pretty sweet vids, Chris. I really like the second and third ones.
  4. S

    String Skipping GW Lick

    Sounds good man, thanks.
  5. S

    String Skipping GW Lick

    Hey, how's everyone doing? I want to start off by saying, Chris you're an amazing player and you inspired me to buy a 7 string and to learn how to shred! I'd really appreciate it if you gave me the tab to the string skipping lick you did for GW. Thanks. Mike