Recent content by Sigma Elementa

  1. S

    My little presentation!

    Thanks! : ) Nice too see that you like it!
  2. S

    My little presentation!

    Hi everyone! My name is Mathieu and well of course, i'm new here! I am in a metal band from Montreal. My bands name is Sigma Elementa ( and well, I dont want to start talking about how we sound, I would like it if you would do that for me : D But I can say...
  3. S

    Ontario Booking?

    So we are a band from Montreal in Quebec and we really want to come and show our music to people in Ontario, anyone know a good booker with who we could try to arrange something? Or good record stores to whom we could send our MCD Where our world shifted to when it will be released? Thanks...
  4. S

    Sigma Elementa MCD Where our world shifted

    Our MCD will be released soon. We wont give a date yet but it should be in about 4 weeks! The two first songs on our myspace will be on the MCD Stargazer Where our world shifted Leviathan Sigma Elementa
  5. S

    Sigma Elementa - You tell me how it sounds

    Hi! Well my band is called Sigma Elementa and you should be hearing about us more often cause we are trying to get some shows in Ontario for the end of the summer! Feel free to comment and give me your opinion on how we sound! : ) Cheers all! Math of Sigma Elementa...