Recent content by signatures

  1. signatures

    Tone help??

    As of now I'm getting a decently heavy tone, it's just not ballsy enough...and that's just through the triple. Clips from my last record here: Tone's I like: Sunn 0))), Trap Them (comparable to old entomed "swedish death metal sound" i suppose), Early...
  2. signatures

    Tone help??

    I need a little help with some super destructive tone/pedals. I'm on "the journey." Here is what i'm working with as of now: Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Sunn 1973 Model T Peavey 6505+ Marshall 1960 Lead 4x12 Marshall JCM 900 4x12 LTD H-1000 deluxe w/ EMG's Gibson Voodoo SG w/EMG's...