Recent content by silentwatcher

  1. silentwatcher

    Invisible: Release/distribution in Germany??

    Hi there, check this out... EMP
  2. silentwatcher

    Kill Bill

    I saw the movie yesterday. Awesome, but so fuckin' brutal! Tarantino must be sick in the head :p
  3. silentwatcher

    I finally got into MAYH...

    MAYH is next to Still Life and Damnation my least favorite Opeth album... but hey, I see that I can get into it, just I must listen to it a few times more...
  4. silentwatcher

    EoS's Crimson vs. MAYH or SL

    without question, Crimson!
  5. silentwatcher

    So whats your ONE favorite Opeth song?

    hmm, it´s difficult. but I would choose "To bid you farewell"!
  6. silentwatcher

    Berlin Samstag

    Hey janwerterm I think I stood behind you :grin: