Recent content by Sinisteria

  1. Sinisteria

    Bands pretending their next album will be great

    wtf...anyone who has seen opeth live can attest that mikael is a pretty funny guy. im positive the 45 minute black metal song was a joke. bands make the music they want to make for whatever reason. GR is a great album so why complain? I personally tend to listen to GR as an album instead of by...
  2. Sinisteria


    yes i am a noob here at UM, so here are some things about me... favorite bands=opeth, death, meshuggah, nevermore, lamb of god, children of bodom, devildriver, slayer, megadeth, tool, danzig, shadows fall, in flames, black sabbath, pantera, arch enemy, black label society, and other badass...
  3. Sinisteria

    Unholy Alliance Tour Order

    i dont like mastodon, but LoG boring? How so?? They are great musicians and have good lyrics too. unfortunately i live in a shitty state that unholy alliance is not coming through. on one of the days off though, LoG and CoB are coming so thats a little bit of consellation, although it sucks...
  4. Sinisteria

    the hate thread

    i hate emos and people who use 'hardcore dancing' in the mosh. seriously they look fucking stupid and they should all be fucking shot. that applies to the emos and the hardcore dancers.
  5. Sinisteria

    Favorite Metal Sub-genres (This time with a poll :) )

    i dont really pay attention to sub genres. if i like something i dont care what subgenre it is. metal is metal, who cares if its black or death or power or whatever else. so i guess my answer is no preferance
  6. Sinisteria

    Best 90's death metal album.

    Death - Human or really it could be any death album.
  7. Sinisteria

    Opeth - Ghost Reveries

    I loved GR as much as any Opeth album. It does sound a little cleaner production wise but I see no problem with that quite honestly. Its not like they started playing three minute pop songs or something.