Recent content by Skar

  1. S


    It better kick AYDYs ass. It would be great if the sound was reminiscent of HB or SW.
  2. S

    Black Metal.

    I just bought it a few days ago, ive listened to it in breif spurts due to me trying to concentrate on work, but "Havoc Vulture" and "Rhapsody in Filth" are pretty damned sweet.
  3. S

    most overrated albums?

    Children of Bodom - Hatecrew Deathroll.
  4. S

    Black Metal.

    Early Satyricon. I cant listen to Now, Diabolical without thinking how much better Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina is. I love Taake, Dimmu Borgir, and Darkthrone aswell.
  5. S


    Hey, I'm Skar. I figured it would be best for me to introduce myself before I start lurking around here. My favorite metal genres are: Black/Death/Power. Hope I get to know you guys. See you around.