Recent content by skatermanbob

  1. S

    Stereo Width

    interesting... i was only aware of the ms micing technique. I'll def do some reading on this. Are there any plugins that you would suggest I take a look at? Thanks for your input! Do you use any other techniques to widen the mix?
  2. S

    Stereo Width

    so you would suggest recording ms for overheads in drums? Some of my clients completely program their drums so this would be ruled out. I also usually run direct with my guitars... so should i mic the cab ms then?
  3. S

    Stereo Width

    Joey I have a question for you. I've been trying to figure out how you make your mixes so wide. On some of the guitar sounds I hear (like the new color morale) it almost sounds like the guitars are panned center with a stereo delay that offsets the sounds just slightly to the right and left...
  4. S

    Steam Users

    Always down for some Left for dead 1 or 2! bobbybizzle
  5. S

    Studio House Remodel

    Looks good Joey!