Recent content by Skies Go Black

  1. Skies Go Black

    Own Pictures Thread

    it seemed to be for them or something. heh.
  2. Skies Go Black

    Own Pictures Thread

    yeah.. i'm a girl. :-/
  3. Skies Go Black

    Own Pictures Thread

  4. Skies Go Black

    Own Pictures Thread

    subway now. im ditching school waaayyy too much.
  5. Skies Go Black

    Own Pictures Thread

    hot. :-)
  6. Skies Go Black

    What does everyone think of FROM YOUR GRAVE?

    i love it. it could use SOME variation, but it's good. veryg ood
  7. Skies Go Black

    The new pic thread

    i know i felt they were too dark. Thank you. :p
  8. Skies Go Black

    all new "NP" thread -

    NP: Amon Amarth - Cry of the Blackbirds.
  9. Skies Go Black

    Steve Irwin dead.....

    :-/ i never imagined the world of television or wildlife without him.
  10. Skies Go Black

    The new pic thread

    trying the color scheme features on a digital camera i was borrowing. sepia? i think it was.
  11. Skies Go Black

    Damn leaked <_<

    i can see why leakage would be a dissapointment and sure we can speak of the benefits of downloading, leaks, ect, but I think my feeling on it is like this... When I'm watching a movie, I don't like someone sitting there ruining the good parts by saying what's going to happen - especially...