Recent content by skippymcgee

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    New Sanctuary video for "Frozen" should be debuting today!

    Its definitely one of the 3 or so best songs on the album
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    John Bush sings "Four Horsemen" with Metallica

    Might just be the last time you will have seen scott ian on stage with john bush
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    New Album [Info,Audio,Video]

    I didn't know if you noticed, but the song you linked to sucks. Glad I could help clear that up for you!
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    New Athrax song in high quality audio here..

    Uhh, that song in the youtube vid sucks
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    Hey Katrina victims..

    Oh no doubt about those that are still playing the "poor pitiful me, I lost everything" card need to stop being a drain on society and do something for themselves instead of relying on anyone else to help, bur at the same time saying ignorant shit like "go home" only makes someone look like a...
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    Low. Next
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    Hey Katrina victims..

    Yeah dumbass, they dont have any homes to go to.