Recent content by Skræling

  1. Skræling

    Thoughts on Orkan

    Well, what can I say? as you said, Orkan is much likely to go among the older albums and for me its creative concept places it between Ödemarkens Son and Cosmic Genesis. What I liked the most about the album besides Mr. V's vocals was the fact that keyboards are much more noticeable and also...
  2. Skræling

    new facebook group for vintersorgers

    Well... I'll take the risk to sound slowpoke, since this post was buried very deep into the old stuff and I wanted to check it all... and I found this!! The official group.. Sure I wanna become a member, though facebook is senseless, My name is Sergio Barrero :)
  3. Skræling

    Most «accessible» Vintersorg album

    ...Well, in that case I hope that some swedish buddy (or even you XD) could shoot a video of that release party, because it would be such a pity that we, who don't live in Sweden never get to know a special song as "Resan mot tidens flod" is said to be... By the way, Happy birthday to you Mr...
  4. Skræling

    Last CD you bought

    Finally, at this corner of the world, I've just gotten Till Fjälls :D!!!
  5. Skræling

    The New album Title

    Hhahahahaa.... como dice el refrán... Soñar no cuesta nada.. Éste año estuvo cerca Borknagar (de no haber sido por culpa de ésos imbécilles de dark new age productions...) I'll keep dreaming until the end :muahaha:
  6. Skræling

    The New album Title

    I've got a question... There will be any promoting tour?, can even we dream about a Latin American tour (Borknagar's fail was quite shitty...), can't stop wondering about how will Jordpuls be...
  7. Skræling

    The New album Title

    Can't wait for the day when your new master piece Mr. V sees daylight.. Indeed "Jordpuls" is a great title for an album, and I'm just wondering about the lyrics already... I bet it will be amazing!, take care and keep creating art!!