Recent content by Skyld

  1. S

    Official buying advice thread

    I'm looking into getting a vocal microphone. Looking for something inexpensive, but decent enough to not put me off using it. I've been looking at the SM58 as that seems to be the standard, but I figured I'd ask just in case anyone knows better.
  2. S

    The currently listening to thread

    Porcupine Tree - Shallow Going through the entire Deadwing album. I find it a motivating thing to do when I'm about to put myself through some keyboard practise.
  3. S

    3 Word story game

    One day in a cold place there was this fat hairy dude with a sword and an axe both painted pink. He wore a skirt of fire that accentuated his hips because it looked like a large mangosteen was shoved and simply put all ladies into hysterical laughter at the very first sight of him. But then it...
  4. S

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    I've always wanted to know wtf is up with "trash" metal. Is it just a common misspelling of thrash, or a completely different genre? Your music is good though.
  5. S

    3 Word story game

    One day in a cold place there was this fat hairy dude with a sword and an axe both painted pink. He wore a skirt of fire that accentuated his hips because it looked like a large mangosteen was shoved and simply put all ladies into hysterical laughter at the very first sight of him. But then it...
  6. S

    The currently listening to thread

    Dream Theater - About to Crash
  7. S

    Introduction thread

    Hi. I'm Brad and I need a new forum to waste time in. As Turisas are an enduring favourite of mine, and as I've seen them three times, I think I'll choose this one.
  8. S

    Official buying advice thread

    Thanks. I'll look into those brands.
  9. S

    Official buying advice thread

    Hey. I'm thinking of getting a keyboard. Now, I have no keyboard/piano/synth experience whatsoever, so I have no idea what brands/models are good. I'd ideally like something affordable (in the £100-200 range – that's ~$150-300) but sufficiently sturdy and decent-quality that it would keep me...
  10. S

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    I don't see why people are turds just for not liking a certain band. You can't FORCE yourself to like something. It's those who say "i h8 the beetlez tehy am so borign!!11. tehri musix sux :)" who you should be flaming. Only an idiot can fail to respect what they've done for music in their time...
  11. S

    post your nude pics here

    What picture?
  12. S

    Thought you guys might be interested in this

    Warrel possesses such skill that new numbers are forced into existence by the sheer pwnthology of his voice. That tops even Chuck Norris, I think.
  13. S

    Top track per album!

    S/T - Garden of Grey IM - In Memory PoE - Passenger DNB - Dreaming Neon Black DHiaDW - Believe in Nothing EoR - Enemies of Reality TGE - This Godless Endeavour
  14. S

    Turisas Video

    Hey, I can see myself in that video! Shame though that the way I'm headbanging makes me look like a twat. Cool though.
  15. S

    The Guide To All Ranges Of Screaming

    I don't think I understand... Many have said it's best to sing from your diaphragm, but I don't see how that's actually possible without having vocal chords in your stomach. When I've tried it I've only come out with the sound of flowing air.