Recent content by slayer666metalica

  1. slayer666metalica

    Parralele layering with a mono track ?

    after reading the latest explanation, i still cannot help but think there would be some sort of phase issues, considering your example was in the context of using guitar tracks. most people here quad track, and that involves separate performances to prevent phasey seashell tones--i'm no...
  2. slayer666metalica

    Hardrock(ish) with baritone git...

    holy shit, this bass tone is sick.... seriously! Any tips/hints as to how you achieved that? I love how that just grinds with the guitars... pretty sick man
  3. slayer666metalica

    Modern metal I did for my band

    holy shit man, where did you do the drums?! they sound massive.... these are all real drums ?
  4. slayer666metalica

    Symphonic practice, short clip...

    I still feel like they're too loud after checking out your second mix. I'm by no means a seasoned pro at mixing--but as a diehard heavy metal listener i would say they still overpower everything else in the mix. I know that the orchestral parts are a focal point of the song probably--but...
  5. slayer666metalica

    Adding Bawlz to guitars?

    +1, i feel like i'm listening to And Justice For All... it seems like the bass in general is mixed far too low, at least to the point where it has no true impact.
  6. slayer666metalica

    As I Lay Crying - Within Destruction

    Hey--i appreciate your elaboration.. this helps a lot! I know it sounds pretty crappy after giving it more listens for my ears to digest against the real song... I really hope to get a REAL bass guitar soon, so then i can try and rule the fact that the bass track is shit out of the equation...
  7. slayer666metalica

    As I Lay Crying - Within Destruction

    it'd be much more help if you told me something other than the fact that it's just bad then please why.... Too much highs? Not enough ? More low end? Less gain? What needs fixing?
  8. slayer666metalica

    As I Lay Crying - Within Destruction

    The drums were Addictive Drums, which i am still trying to figure entirely i might add... at the same time, i feel like switching progs.... something about AD just drives me nuts... i normally route things so i can modify the samples on separate audio tracks with my own tweaks/plugs, but even...
  9. slayer666metalica

    As I Lay Crying - Within Destruction

    ah, thank you. haha... after some more listens i can't help but agree... after posting this i realized after doing an A/B comparison between this and the original song that my guitars were thin... sound like a can o' worms, ahah...
  10. slayer666metalica

    As I Lay Crying - Within Destruction

    So, i normally don't listen to metalcore--but this song i love. Funny thing is i can't play the riff for shit... i didn't even use the original song tuning, however i played them to the best of my ability--in terms of tightness between the two guitar tracks, it's pretty good... but please don't...
  11. slayer666metalica

    sidechaining assistance

    yeah--i read a thread specifically about this-- i think it's interesting to try, but i found some other techniques that seem like they would work much better in the thread i was reading. My ears at first seemed to like it, but the more i hear it with fast heavy metal stuff it is overbearing.
  12. slayer666metalica

    sidechaining assistance

    Hell yeah, this is EXACTLY what i was lookin' for--i tried this... can't say i really know how to use compressors [well, at least sparingly hehe.. ], but i definitely notice a difference in the relationship between the bass and the kick as opposed to before.
  13. slayer666metalica

    sidechaining assistance

    I do not have an answer to this--however, sidechaining bass and kick and reaper interests me very much as well--only i don't know how to go about it. [I've never sidechained anything before since i'm still a rookie x_x]--if anyone could explain the steps to this in greater detail it would be...
  14. slayer666metalica

    heavy guitars... compression on input?

    Hey all, i just had a quick question... i was reading Slipperman's Guide to Heavy Guitars From Hell today, and there was a section about compressing guitars on input. Now, most of what i have read on here has made it seem as though you should rarely ever need to compress guitars in metal at...
  15. slayer666metalica

    production help needed badly

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