Recent content by Slemmu

  1. Slemmu

    Klanghelm MJUC variable-mu compressor plugin

    Freeware "jr" version
  2. Slemmu

    RTAS Distressor plugin for $1!!!!!

    Blue Cat PatchWork allows you to use VST (& AU plugins in the new version) in Pro Tools.
  3. Slemmu

    Burning CD's on Mac I have the standalone version. Great and easy to use. Cheap also!
  4. Slemmu

    Tube Screamer plugins out there? RTAS only

    Well this is kinda cheap and opens up a lot of possibilities for Pro Tools users -> add your favorite vst plugins to Pro Tools. Works great by the way!
  5. Slemmu

    Tube Screamer plugins out there? RTAS only pod farm free
  6. Slemmu

    FireWire and Audio Interfaces

    Check hardware compatibility here: Firestudio tube: "Does not work with Pro Tools 9 and Windows 7. It only works if you use the Asio4all. On Mac works fine alone. Chained with a Firestudio, background system noise is heard from the 8...
  7. Slemmu

    Snare: Level out snare hits. Inconsistent hitter. (Real Drums)

    This might work haven't tried it.
  8. Slemmu

    PluginUpdate Mac Beta Available

    Nice! It doesn't get all the plugin names for some reason. Free bluecat RTAS plugins just say: PLUGIN_NAME and amplionFree is $(PRODUCT_NAME). Handy little program, thanks! It's on pro tools expert page as well
  9. Slemmu

    Avid HD Native + Omni
  10. Slemmu

    Is there a way to save track configurations in Pro Tools?
  11. Slemmu

    Sonimus Satson ($39 VCC Alternative-Thats AMAZING) is out

    Nice! "Satson RTAS released As previously promised, we are proud to announce the launch of Satson RTAS. These are exciting times for our Sonimus staff, as we expand our coding efforts toward new platforms in effort to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Satson VST/RTAS/AU Price: $39 (Free...
  12. Slemmu

    Mellotron plugin
  13. Slemmu

    CD authoring software

    No problem, been searching software for this purpose myself. Found this one too $99 / 75€ I think i have to try both before buying either one.
  14. Slemmu

    CD authoring software This could do the trick. There's a 15 day trial and it's dirt cheap ($79). Haven't tried it myself yet, just discovered it.
  15. Slemmu

    Favorite non-metal mixes