Recent content by Slimefest

  1. Slimefest

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    What I like about this forum is the informative posts.
  2. Slimefest

    Anyone from NYC?

    Yeah guys, respect the rules. I mean wtf?
  3. Slimefest

    Roundtrip to Hell and Back video

    If it was in sync with what they were playing I guess it'd be ok. Now it's just pointless.
  4. Slimefest


    Kissing the shadows.
  5. Slimefest

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I don't hate my tone, it's just not 100% the way I want it. And I neither hate my gear or myself :lol:
  6. Slimefest

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Have to agree with Lowberg and Ensi. Of course good tone is awesome and everyone wants that, but you'll never be 100% satisfied with ANY tone, so in the end you're just gonna spend a lot of time and money in the search of some tone you'll never get anyway.
  7. Slimefest

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    So now we both have Bularian gril and Delphine
  8. Slimefest

    Last and Next concert

    Next: Iron Maiden.
  9. Slimefest

    NO FILESHARING! Discuss the album, NOT WHERE TO FIND IT!

    Or you stop being a poor pussy and pay for the premium version. Yes.
  10. Slimefest

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    What kind of information do u have? edit: sorry double post
  11. Slimefest

    Lyrics Discussion Thread (do NOT post RRF lyrics)

    Shovel knockout lyrics are badass!
  12. Slimefest

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    You lucky maddafakka! *jealous*
  13. Slimefest

    Come to SERBIA!!!!

    Coldness sucks. In some ways I'd like to move to somewhere warmer but can't be bothered since I have all my family and friends here.
  14. Slimefest

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I actually enjoy this album more than the older ones atm...not necessarily because it's better but it's still new and fresh.
  15. Slimefest

    Happy Birthday Elmas!!111one

    Happy birthday!!!! :kickass: :kickass: