Recent content by Smallz

  1. Smallz

    Earthrise - Eras Lost [Minneapolis Sludge] FFO: The Ocean, Neurosis, Jesu, Torch

    Hey Guys, My band, Earthrise, just released our debut album, Eras Lost. Free for streaming on Bandcamp, and "name your price" downloads with no minimum or sound quality restrictions. We're happy to just get it out there. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening: Earthrise - Eras Lost...
  2. Smallz

    Most Overrated Opeth Song

    id say a fair judgement.
  3. Smallz

    Sounds of the Underground tour... are you aware...?

    they're different...thats for sure. to me not in a bad way though. at the very least they're vastly superior to any tough guy hardcore band thats ever existed.
  4. Smallz

    Sounds of the Underground tour... are you aware...?

    i think its a pretty quality lineup personally. theres a couple bands that i just cant stand but i give most of them at the very least a 'they're ok.' but even considering that, if opeth wasnt playing i wouldnt be going. ive seen all the other bands on the bill that i like numerous times...
  5. Smallz

    Rank 'em.

    1. whoracle 2. colony 3. jester race 4. r2r 5. lunar strain 6. clayman 7. stye
  6. Smallz

    bodom getting trendy

    whatever guys. i totally understand the whole elitist viewpoint where everyone wants the bands they like to stay small and underground but i honestly wish every band as much success as they can get. sure, with that comes some bad side effects but fuck it man, i wish COB all the success in the...
  7. Smallz

    Soilwork sound

    i know what you're looking for dude, soilwork's tone on a predator's portrait is my ALL TIME favorite. they get a really thumpy booming rhythm tone while at the same time keeping kick ass lead tone. the octive chords ring through great and not to mention the amazing solo lead tone that they're...
  8. Smallz

    cob live in seoul vids

    yeah i guess its not as big a deal for most people as it was for me. my campus network has a packet shaper that basically makes P2P filesharing impossible. i almost nutted myself when i found an http site with almost the whole concert.
  9. Smallz

    Kirk Hammett vs Alexi Laiho

    yeah just kind of want to echo this. the dude is obviously just trying to get us all riled up, and doing a poor job at it. but i really cant just discredit kirk so easily. yeah, he's not the greatest player in the world, yeah he taps and uses wah way too much, but the fact of the matter is...
  10. Smallz

    I just got "Someting Wild"

    this isnt going to go over well
  11. Smallz

    cob live in seoul vids

    sorry if this has been posted before, you guys usually beat me to stuff like this. but anyway:
  12. Smallz

    Kansas Review

    haha, i think i was right next to you dude. blonde hair, grey sweatshirt. i think i turned to you and said something along the lines of 'sorry about the shoving, its out of my control.' i got knocked on my ass during devildriver after the dude did his stage dive. and yeah...that damn mic...
  13. Smallz

    your top 10 cds of 2003

    lamb of god - as the palaces burn children of bodom - hate crew deathroll nevermore - enemies of reality opeth - damnation trivium - ember to inferno a perfect circle - thirteenth step soilwork - figure number five arch enemy - anthems of rebellion dimmu borgir - death cult...
  14. Smallz

    How did you get into In Flames?

    haha, resin was the first in flames song i ever heard too. pretty much the same sort of thing. such amazing melody...i was hooked.
  15. Smallz

    To Janne!!!!

    thanks for the responses janne, i dont know if it seems like a hassle at all for you to respond to some of these threads on this board, but i know i speak for everyone in saying that we all really appreciate having some actual interaction with the band. its really refreshing to see a band that...