Recent content by SmiteMetal

  1. S

    Question for Fellow Christians (reading fantasy/sci-fi novels;watching horror movies)

    Amazing thread. Wasn't expecting this kind of thread when I logged in today. While I find myself agreeing with most everything said here, I'll raise this word of caution that I was told (over and over) growing up: garbage in, garbage out. Now, please excuse any errors in my post as it is...
  2. S

    THEOCRACY: "HIDE IN THE FAIRYTALE" VIDEO (corrected version released)

    I previously posted this in the closed thread. Just wanted to share my thoughts...again. --- When I watched the first release, I thought, yeah, this is good. Then the comments about the the syncing left me wondering if I should avoid the video or not. Then Matt's imbedded videos (and...
  3. S


    When I watched the first release, I thought, yeah, this is good. Then the comments about the the syncing left me wondering if I should avoid the video or not. Then Matt's imbedded videos (and everyone else's) left me amazed at just how well-made and professional the Hide in the Fairytale...
  4. S


    Pretty sure someone was laying down some cowbell, too. I LOVE cowbell. I always said that Theocracy needs more cowbell.
  5. S

    So what's your least favorite Theocracy song?

    For me, it's Prelude. I mean, 1:36? That's all you can muster for the 1st song on your 1st album? Fortunately, for it, it blends perfectly into Ichthus.
  6. S


    Really liked the dark on white backgrounds. Looking forward to the next video!
  7. S


    Boy, that sounds familiar. Oh yeah! Cooler heads prevail! I know what I'm getting people for Christmas and birthdays and weddings and Mother's Day and Father's Day and Be Kind to Lawyers Day.
  8. S

    Theocracy Music Video (Hide In The Fairytale)

    I see what you did there...
  9. S

    The worst songs you've ever heard

    Reasons why Nickelback "Rockstar" is the worse ever. (1) Nickelback (2) Chad whatever (3) This review: (4) 44.5 million people have watched this video. Please don't watch it and add to the number. (5) Brian...
  10. S

    The Problem with Christian Bands

    Was that a Royal Rangers vest at 2:30? Ready! Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, obey, worship, live, etc.
  11. S

    How many copies of Theocracy's self-titled debut were produced?

    Not enough. That's how many. To paraphrase Cake (can I do that here?): How much did you pay for the self-titled album, that proves you were there, that you heard of them first? Proud to say I got mine waaay back in the day. Didn't hear of them first, though. Maybe about 8th or 9th.
  12. S

    Would you accept re-done vocals on self titled Theocracy album?

    Here I was, all ready to block quote your earlier post verbatim, and say, "Yeah, me too!" Oh, well, it sure is lonely on this island :Spin:. Maybe I'll join you on the next boat...maybe.
  13. S

    Who wants to get the very first album? Vote here. (being re-released)

    I'm super pumped about a re-release. I've heard that you can sometimes you can find used CDs on eBay for $60 or more. That's a lot, but it would be worth it to grab, in my opinion, the best debut album. By any band. Ever.