Recent content by SMP840

  1. SMP840

    New Exodus

    Agree. Rob brought all the aggression in the past couple albums that i always thought they were lacking. I love Zetro but after all the shit talking on both sides i still dont get how they got back together....other than money. But shit, its not as if they are raking in the bucks. Lets be...
  2. SMP840

    Anthrax - Chile on Hell thread

    You get Anthrax headlining their own show in the US thats how big the stage will be. Thats just the sad state of music over here. As for the DVD, not bad...way too many quick cuts though. Seems thats been the norm with all music dvds as of late though. Still think it would be awesome...
  3. SMP840

    Anthrax - Chile on Hell thread

    It may have commentary, but it doesnt have anything from the Bush era. I wont lie, i was an Anthrax fan from before the singer change. But if you ask me, its pretty fucking stupid to just forget about over 1/3 of the time you were a band. Sorry that i get a laugh outta the people who act like...
  4. SMP840

    Anthrax - Chile on Hell thread

    Woulda been pretty fucking cool if they played Catharsis or Room For One More. Hell, I would take this as well.
  5. SMP840

    Hair metal

    I will be turning 35 in August, and think i am hitting my first midlife crisis, so i have been hitting the old school stuff that i just havent been getting to since i was just a little metal kid as of late. A lot off of Dancing Undercover from Ratt. I love the riff of Body Talk, what can i say...
  6. SMP840

    O/T New Megadeth

    With Junior being on board for this album, seems they got a hell of a lot weaker. The title track is laughable. I really dont know what else to say other than I am highly disappointed in this album.
  7. SMP840

    Phil Anselmo Tour

    Liking that song on first listen for sure. Glad he is going to be in Chicago, I will be there.
  8. SMP840

    IS having TestAmenT as an opening band a bad choice for Anthrax?

    Having Testament on the bill is awesome and really can't see how anyone can complain. For most openers, I am still drinking outside. But shit, for 23 bucks I got to see two of my favorite bands. Exodus on the bill as well woulda been icing on the cake, but I still had a blast.
  9. SMP840

    O/T: zombie movies

    I can't wait for World War Z or the new season of The Walking Dead. Never read the comic, so its all new to me. And I am glad its a full season as well. As for movies, the original NOTL and the 1985 version of Day Of The Dead are my favorites. The make up effects in that movie to this day are...
  10. SMP840

    Any other new cds appealing to you?

    Waiting on some Steel Panther.
  11. SMP840

    Bands that SOLD OUT

    Just saying something like that should get your metal card revoked. Wasting My Hate, Bleeding Me, and The Outlaw Torn are way better than any FOB song. Sure, not what you would call classics, but still. I think you have been listening to stupid girl by Cold one too many times.
  12. SMP840

    COREY TAYLOR Will Not Sing On New ANTHRAX Album

    I will admit that i havent came here in a bit due to the total bullshit that has happened to one of my favorite bands. But i will just say this....As i am sitting here to Volume 8, why the fuck did these guys try to go the reunion route and fuck over John Bush like that? They were making music...
  13. SMP840

    doing an internet show

    I am on right now, and i got some Thrax playing....check it out if you are bored....
  14. SMP840

    doing an internet show

    Uh oh, in a couple hours, i am going to try and do this again. I had a few listeners the last time i did it, and it was kinda fun. I play a wide range of shit, and as usual, i will be playing some Anthrax and some Saint, along with some other shit as well. Again, i just do it for feel...
  15. SMP840

    doing an internet show

    22:21:32 In Flames - Clay Man Current Song 22:19:11 Faith No More - Surprise! You're Dead! 22:19:01 JJ McKay - Please register! 22:15:54 Sevendust - Terminator 22:13:09 Chimaira - Power Trip 22:10:58 Black Label Society - Devil's Dime 22:05:52 Kiss - Detroit Rock City 22:00:28 Voivod - The...