Recent content by smrtaz

  1. S

    HUGE Nuendo 3 problem, please help!!

    Have you checked your dongle updates and downloaded the latest version of the License Control Center? direct link allversions of XP -- If all else fails, post your woes at...
  2. S

    Re-Amping confusion

    Death, Re-amping through a firepod works great ! Sync your Firepod and setup to an external clock source like a Lavry, Mytek or Apogee and you'll love it even more! For re-amping, you'd probably want to use something like the Radial JDV for the guitar input. This gives you 2 ins for 2...
  3. S

    Re-Amping confusion

    Those are on the X-Amp!! But which input or device did he use to record his Jackson with the Active EMG 81's? And at what peak level did he record the input at...
  4. S

    Re-Amping confusion

    Firepod Manual: -Page 15- NOTE: Active instruments are those that have an internal preamp or a line level output. Active instruments should be plugged into a line input rather than into an instrument input. In other words, don’t plug an active instrument into the combo jacks on channels 1...
  5. S

    I'm building a New studio......need tips! That's the site for all the fourm type help you'll need with design and treatment tips and these guys will model your room for you. :rock: .
  6. S

    Steve Albini's tea boy writes in!

    Took that one personally did ya? :rock:
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    Steve Albini's tea boy writes in!

    We really should have sympathy for the poor guy. Nah, fook'im! The only reason to choose a fictional porn star character as your alias is a deep-seated insecurity about your shortcomings behind the zipper. So not only does he suffer from penis-envy he's also insecure about Andy taking...
  8. S

    1176 Compressor

    you might find that here :rock:
  9. S

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    If you know what you're doing, (or practice til you do!) you can get excellent studio-quality recordings with a firepod. But do the updates to your firepod (on presonus web site), get the new driver, and if you're using XP - fix the Window's Firewire/1394 Service Pack 2 screwup ( see...
  10. S

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    SILVERWULF What you've described on page 5 is generally referred to as "The Recorderman Method". It is described by Recorderman in the forum on I have used it... and YES it does give great results. :rock:
  11. S

    Cubase - CPU-eating VSTs

    My Windows 3.1 system crashes all the time. I think Windows sucks. My Apple 2e isn't stable, I think Apple sucks too. Get it?! I think we should at least compare the latest versions to the latest versions. Giving opinions on old versions that aren't sold anymore doesn't benefit...